Department of Microbiology
Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), Bilaspur, CG
About Department :
Introduction :
The Dept. of Microbiology came into existence in year 2002.Since then it has made rapid strides not only for the patients attending CIMS hospital but also patients coming from periphery. Owing to dedicated & committed teaching & technical staff & well equipped diagnostic laboratories the department has carved a niche for itself. Vision of the department is to provide up to date and holistic theoretical and practical training for MBBS and research scholar to carry out front line research in all discipline of Microbiology. In addition, it has a well stocked library containing 182 books. Regular academic activities, research pursuits have made it widely known in the region.
Facilities Available in Department :
I. Bacteriology :
1. Staining methods. (Gram, ZN, Albert, Giemsa etc.)
2. Automated Blood Culture System by Bac-T/ Alert.
3. Automated Identification & Sensitivity Testing by Vitek-2.
4. Bacterial Identification of various patients sample.
5. Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing. (Manual testing)
6. Anaerobic Culture & Sensitivity.
7. Fluorescent Microscopy.
8. Dark Ground Microscopy.
9. Hanging Drop: Motility for Vibrio cholera.
II. Serology & Immunology :
1. Immunochromatography Testing. (HbsAg, HCV, Dengue, VDRL, Filarial Antibody Testing etc.)
2. Slide Agglutination Test. (RA, CRP, ASO, Widal)
3. ELISA. (HbsAg, HCV, Measles, Dengue etc.)
4. Testing by Nephelometry. (RA, CRP, ASO)
5. Urine Pregnancy Test.
6. Mantoux (Tuberculin) Test.
III. Mycology :
1. Fungal Staining. (KOH /LPCB)
2. Fungus Culture and Identification.
3. Antifungal Sensitivity Testing for Candida.
IV. Parasitology :
1. Stool Routine Microscopy to detect Ova cyst & larva.
2. Stool Culture and Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing.
3. Peripheral Smear for Microfilaria.
4. Modified Acid Fast Staining in Stool.
V. ICTC for HIV Counseling and testing.
VI. CD-4 Count.
VII. Sample collection in suspected Swine flu.
VIII. Testing for Hospital acquired infection.
IX. Bacterial Analysis of water.
X. Referral Centre of IDSP.
XI. PCR for Research Purpose.
XII. Outbreak Investigation.
Departmental Activities :
1. Biomedical Waste Management Training on 09th Oct, 2018, 23rd Oct, 2018, 13th Nov, 2018, 16th Nov, 2018, 27th Nov, 2018 & 01st Dec, 2018.
2. Divisional Level awareness and Orientation programme for prevention and treatment of swine flu & zika virus conducted on 24th Oct, 2018.
3. Patron and Lead Organiser of CG Microcon-2018 on 8th & 9th September, 2018 by under the aegis of CAMM at Raipur.
4. Organizing Chairman of "6th Ambi-Chhattisgarh State Chapter Point Of Care Testing" at CIMS, Bilaspur on 27th January, 2019.
5. 4th Annual Conference of “CG MICROCON 2023” to be Held From 2nd & 3rd September, 2023 at Department of Microbiology, CIMS, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.
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Awards and Achievement of the Faculties & Students :
Dr. Sagarika Pradhan, Incharge Associate Professor & Head
a) National Viral Hepatitis Control Program : National Level Master Trainer Training at New Delhi in year 2018.
b) Master Trainer - State Level Training for National Viral Hepatitis Control Program at Raipur, Conducted by IDSP from 13th to 15th December, 2018.
c) As participant hands on workshop on Hospital Infecti n Control Organised by AIIMS, Raipur on 8th to 11th August 2018
d) Presented Oral paper in CG Microcon-2018 on 8th & 9th September 2018 by under aegis of CAMM at Raipur.
e) As speaker in CME on STI conducted by Dept. of Skin & VD at CIMS, Bilaspur on 3-2-2018.
f) Best paper award among faculty Presented Oral paper in CG Microcon-2017 under aegis of CAMM at AIIMS Raipur.
g) Examiner of IInd Prof. MBBS at MGIMS, Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra and various other medical colleges.
Dr. Rekha Barapatre, Incharge Associate Professor
a) Participate in “National Workshop on Molecular Diagnosis of Human Viral Infectious Diseases” Organised by AIIMS, Raipur from 10.04.2019 to 13.04.2019.
Dr. Anubha Patel, Assistant Professor
a) Best paper award in Oral paper presentation in CG Microcon-2018 on 8th & 9th September 2018 under aegis of CAMM at Raipur.
Dr. Ekta Agrawal, Assistant Professor
a) Attended 2nd National Workshop on Hospital Infection Control conducted by Dept. of Microbiology, JIPMER, Puducherry from 29th January to 2nd February 2018.
c) As Speaker on Hands on workshop on Hospital Infection Control Organised by AIIMS, Raipur from 8th to 11th August 2018.
d) Presented Oral paper in CG Microcon-2018 on 8th & 9th September 2018 by under aegis of CAMM at Raipur.
e) Awarded IInd prize among faculty Presented Oral paper in CG Microcon-2017 under aegis of CAMM at AIIMS Raipur.
Dr. Vinod Tandan, Demonstrator
a) Attended Training on HIV Sentinel Surveillance at NICED Kolkata on 2017.
Ms. Neha Kumari, Demonstrator
a) Attended various CME and Workshop.
Ms. Khushboo Kaushik & Mr. Divvy Rawat got First Price in UG Quiz in Conference in CG Microcon-2017 under aegis of CAMM at AIIMS Raipur.
Ms. Nidhi Batra & Mr. Alok Kumar Deshmukh got First Price in UG Quiz in Conference on 8th & 9th September 2018 in CG Microcon-2018 under aegis of CAMM at Raipur.
Publications :
From 2002 to till date more than 40 research publications in various National & International Journal.
Publication in Year 2018-19 :
1. Anubha Patel, Ramanesh Murthy, Ashish Baghel, Partha Roy, Kavita S Lole “Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in patients on maintenance haemodialysis at tertiary care hospitals of Pune, Maharashtra, India”. IJMMTD: January-March, 2018:4(1):17-20. (Original Artical)
2. Sachin Pandey, B.P. Singh, Lakhan Singh, Ramanesh Murthy, Hemlata Thakur, Vivek Sharma “Report of Internship Orientation Programme of CIMS, Bilaspur Chhattisgarh”. IJPM: January-June 2018:Vol.6 PP – 95-99. (Case Report)
3. Sachin Pandey, B.P. Singh, Ramanesh Murthy, Hemlata Thakur, B. Kashyap “A Health Camp Report of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh”. IJPM: January-June 2018:Vol.6 PP – 101-104. (Case Report)
4. Sachin Pandey, B.P. Singh, Ramanesh Murthy, Hemlata Thakur, Vivek Sharma “Report of Training Programme on Behaviour & Psychological of Sweeper/ Ward Boy”. IJPM: July-Dec. 2018:Vol.6 PP – 136-139. (Notes & News)
5. Col Partha Roy, (Retd), Anubha Patel, Kavita Lole, Maj Gen R.M. Gupta, VSM, Col Arun Kumar, S. Hazra “Prevalence and genotyping pattern of hepatitis C virus among patients on maintenance hemodialysis at five centers in Pune, India”. MJAF India 75(2019)74-80.
Ongoing Research :
1. Opportunistic infections in HIV : A CIMS experience.
2. Detection of Biofilm in catheterized associated unary tract infection.
3. Prevalence of enteric coccidiosis among immuno-compromised patients.
4. Characterization and antibiotic resistance in burn patient admitted in CIMS, Bilaspur (C.G.).
5. Prevalence & antifungal susceptibility pattern of Emerging fungal infection in patient in a tertiary health care center of Chhattisgarh.
6. Study on Prevalence of methicilin resistant Staphylococci in various samples at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bilaspur (C.G.).
7. Study on Prevalence & associated risk factors of hospital acquired infection in intensive care unit of a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bilaspur (C.G.).
8. Study on Microbiological profile of Gram positive bacilli isolated from clinical specimens in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bilaspur (C.G.).
9. Study on Prevalence of drug resistant enterococci in various samples at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bilaspur (C.G.).
10. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Co-Infection in HIV Positive Patients from a Tertiary Care Hospital CIMS, Bilaspur.
11. Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria Isolated from Urine Samples of suspected UTI patients.
12. Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria Isolated from suspected CSOM patients.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact No | Email Id |
Dr. Rekha Barapatre | Associate Professor and Head | MBBS, MD(Microbiology) | 77469-09708 | |
S. No | Particular | Link |
1 | List of Teaching Staff | Download PDF File |
2 | List Non Teaching Staff | Download PDF File |