Central Library
Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), Bilaspur, CG
The library at the CIMS provides a good number of latest books and journal for reference for the students. The students refer the books and enlighten themselves with the knowledge, provided by the books and reference material. Every student is definitely made to visit the library section for the purpose of proper learning of the subject.
College Library is one of the best libraries in Country and having sufficient number of text books in all subject books reference books, national and foreign journals in each subject, online journals, Internet Access Wi-Fi, and many more.
It has more than 12,000 book and 200 Indian & 50 foreign journals available as on date. Separate sitting arrangement for students (100 + 100) and faculty members are available.
Every year the library subscribes to a large number of specialized foreign. Apart from textbooks and reference volumes, Apart from the library every department having own departmental library facility for their staff and PG and Internet facility in each department.
The Library Time from 9.00 A.M and 8.00 P.M