Department of Anatomy
Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), Bilaspur, CG
About Department :
Introduction : The Department of Anatomy came into existence in the year of December 2001, as one of the first departments, in the Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences, CIMS, Bilaspur, in the state of Chhattisgarh. It occupies parts of first floor of the pre-clinical block of the Institute. Major activities are centered around teaching and research. As a public service, embalming for transportation of dead bodies is also undertaken by the Department.
Students for MBBS course, are admitted once a year. State of art teaching technology is adopted in teaching and learning of all the subspecialties of Anatomy. It is rightly said that “what the mind doesn’t know the eyes can’t see”, hence it is very essential to impart the right knowledge to a student in the correct methodology for the purpose of correct and clear conceptual understanding of the subject of Anatomy. We rightly understand the need of a student and stress the understanding from the grass root level, irrespective of the caliber of the student. Every student is given equal opportunity for a realistic and clear conceptual understanding of the subject of Anatomy.
Both basic and applied researches on experimental and clinical materials are done in various subsections of the department. Various subsections are equipped with the state-of art technology, and still improving in the quest of the excellence. The students are not only trained academically, but also intellectually and special stress on the complete personality development, so as to bring out a totally new self, for the better development of the society as a whole.
Teaching of MBBS (first year) students is done in all the section of Anatomy –
a. Gross Anatomy
b. Neuro Anatomy
c. Microscope Anatomy (Histology)
d. Embryology and Genetics
Emphasis is given to see that –
(a) The Students acquires a good knowledge of region wise position and relation of Internal structure of human body.
(b) He /She Understand the functioning of various organs at microscopic level.
(c) He /She is able to work up to reach to a diagnosis if he/she is given Patients Problem related question.
Departmental Activities :
There is a post- graduate student admitted for the studies to acquire degree of M.D. (Anatomy)
- Reading of Journal
- Presentation of seminar
- Thesis work are done by Post graduate student as per curriculum.
Other : Anatomy Department gets Human dead body by voluntary donation by individuals. Therefore regular interaction with social workers and N.G.O is maintained round the year.
Facilities :
At CIMS, we have a very experienced expertise for teaching the subject.
The staff is so well-experienced that everybody understands the need for
a basic and conceptual learning. We try to deliver a real class, we mean
real class because the students, after completion of training discover a
new self, a confident and ready to deal with any situation whatsoever it
may be. Some of the facilities provided are enlisted as under:
1. Staff Block Area : In the department of Anatomy at CIMS, we have a
separate block for the staff (both teaching and non-teaching). Teaching
staff is as per the Medical council of India norms, for the purpose of
teaching and training the students. Separate blocks for Professors,
Readers, Lecturers, and Demonstrators are provided.
2. Research Lab : At CIMS, we have a Research Lab, aimed mainly for the
histological study, is well equipped with all the modern amenities and a
set of good equipments for the teaching and training purpose. We
definitely understand the need for an ongoing research for the
upgradation of the staff and the student and therefore an ongoing
research is definitely on. In the Lab we process the sections of the
tissues and make the slides for the purpose for teaching, training and
research purposes, which is according to the norms Medical Council of
3. Demonstration Halls : There are demonstration halls for various
demonstration purposes. These halls are according to the norms of the
Medical Council of India. We at CIMS, again understand the need of
proper teaching and training in the subject and therefore the students
are paid individual attention for the purpose of learning the subject.
We especially feel the need of a student to remove the inhibition while
conversation, which in turn helps them to face the viva-voce,
4. Departmental Library and Seminar hall : The library at the department
provides a good number of latest books and journal for reference for the
students. The students refer the books and enlighten themselves with the
knowledge, provided by the books and reference material. Every student
is definitely made to visit the library section for the purpose of
proper learning of the subject. The seminar hall, a subsection of the
library hall, is equipped with the latest teaching aids, for the purpose
of the staff seminar, required for the upgradation of the knowledge of
the staff.
5. Lecture Hall : Lecture hall is separate for the department of Anatomy.
The Lecture hall is as per the requirements of the Medical Council of
India. The Lectures are taken with a special care that the students are
made to understand the concepts and a very special attention to the
students who are unable to cope up with the subject. The Lecture hall is
equipped with the teaching aids recommended by the Medical Council, with
all modern the modern amenities like OHP, LCD and other aids as an when
required. There is also an approach for integrated teaching for the
6. Museum : CIMS has an Anatomy museum which is made as per the norms of
the Medical Council. The whole of it is divided into various subsections
namely Gross specimens which is made regionwise for the study of the
gross parts , Neuroanatomy, Radiology section (CT, MRI and the X-rays
for the study of the radiology), Histology, Embryology models, charts
and specimens for the study of embryology, and Anthropology. There is an
adjacent room for the modeler for the preparation of specimens and their
7. Histology Lab : The histology laboratory is just adjacent to the
museum and is provided as per the norms of the Medical council. It is
equipped with separate teaching and practical facility for the students
to see and learn. Each student is provided with a student microscope,
and with proper guidance from the teachers the student can learn the
subject better.
8. Dissection Hall : The facility of the dissection hall is as per the
norms of the Medical Council of India.
The hall has a good ventilation and seating arrangement for a minimum of
a hundred students. We provide the students with cadavers for the
dissection and study of the gross aspects. There are charts displayed
for the ready reference during the time of dissection. Presently as
there are a hundred students, the students are divided, ten each in one
table, for more specific approach to the subject. The storage of the
dissected parts and the cadavers is provided in concrete storage tanks
as per the norms of the Medical Council.
9. Lockers : Each student is made to have a locker to keep the
instruments and manuals in the locker for their ready reference. As per
the Medical Council the lockers are situated near to the dissection
10. Assessment : Last but not the least the overall assessment is done on
a regular basis. Assessment cards are provided for their assessment on a
regular basis. The day to day assessment is done for every student and
they are made aware of their weaknesses for their continued improvement.
The students are made to maintain their gross and histology records,
duly signed and updated. The assessment cards are provided for the
benchmarking of the students. There are regular part completion tests
held after completion of various sections, which are then computed in
overall for the calculation of the internal assessment.
Achievement and Research :
List of Publications :
1. R.Singh (2000) : Assessment of Gestational Age by foetal BPD and FL by ultrasonography in second trimester of pregnancy, J Anat.Soc.India.
An ongoing research is on :
Prepared Publications :
1. Study of cadaveric liver lobe anomaly in Chhattisgarh region
Case Presentation :
1. Patent Foramen ovale above the age of 70 years.
2. Variations of Musculocutaneous Nerve.
Members of Anatomical Society of India :
1. Dr .R.S. Arya – Associate Professor
2. Dr. K. Basan – Demonstrator
Members of Indian Medical Association :
1. Dr. S. Jangde – Assistant Professor
2. Dr. P. Yende – Demonstrator
3. Dr. A. Sharma – Demonstrator
4. Dr. S. Paikra – Demonstrator
5. Dr. K. Basan – Demonstrator
Symposium / Seminar :
The students are encouraged to participate in regular quizzes, seminars and presentations to facilitate the improvement in their presenting skills.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact No | Email Id |
Dr. Shiksha Jangde | Associate Professor and Head | MBBS, MS (Anatomy) |
+91-8319785896 | |
S. No | Particular | Link |
1 | List of Teaching Staff | Download PDF File |
2 | List Non Teaching Staff | Download PDF File |