Hospital Facility
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Hospital, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Special Investigations :-
1. Hormonal assay
2. Biopsy of all kinds
3. ABG lab investigations
4. Mammography & biopsy
5. CAT scan
6. Interventional Radiological investigations
7. OPG study, (Dental)
8. Radio- immune assay
9. Elactrophoresis study
10. BERA
11. Component cell separation
12. CD 4 Study
OT Complex :-
10 OTs are functional and distributed department wise. It includes one emergency OT with 3 Tables (one for septic cases).
OPD :-
OPDs are conducted in a separate building in one shift unit wise daily from 09.00 am to 02.00 pm. excluding Sunday & Holidays. Consultation chambers are available as per MCI norms.
Emergency Services :-
24 hrs Emergency Service available 24 x 7 with special attention to critical and high risk patients. Doctor consultancy are available as per MCI norms.
MRD :-
It run by hospital staffs. It is partly computerized. All Hospital data & statistics are stored department wise. Medico legal cases are dealt separately.
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation :-
This department is functional with three qualified staffs and attached to OPD complex.
Mortuary :- On an average 4-6 autopsies are carried out every day in the mortuary. Students are taken to mortuary for demonstrations. Two deep freezers 4 and 6 body capacity respectively, ice box and other essential equipments are available in the mortuary. Doctor’s room, Viscera room and waiting hall are also made.
Pharmacy :-
The Medical Stores and Hospital Equipments stores are run as per MCI norms, Medicine are distributed free of cost to all patients.