Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), Bilaspur, CG
About Department :
Introduction :
Our Department is 65 bedded Department which is armed with Obstetricians and Gynecologists with special skill in the field. The department is providing comprehensive health care to women through daily OPD including special clinic like cancer clinic, menopausal clinic, Infertility Clinic, Gynae Endocrine Clinic, Antenatal/ High Risk Pregnancy clinic, Postnatal, Family planning clinic and 24 hour emergency obstetric care with special attention to critical obstetrics care. We keep abreast ourselves with new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques & make them available to the patient for better health care.
Facilities Available in Department :
1. Obstetrics Antenatal Clinic – Daily :
• Low risk pregnancy care
• High risk pregnancy care
-Antipartum Hemorrhage
-Multiple Pregnancy
-Rh Negative Pregnancy
- Previous Cesarean Pregnancy
- Bad Obstetric History
-Intrauterine Growth Restriction
- Preeclamsia, Eclampsia
-Medical Disorders Related Pregnancy
• Prenatal screening & Diagnosis
• Ante partum surveillance by CTG, Ultrasound & Non stress test
2. Intrapartum Care
1. Intensive intrapartum monitoring including continues CTG monitoring facility
2. Other Maternal & fetal well being tests
3. Family Planning Service :
Department is a recognized center for medical termination of pregnancy and permanent sterilization and providing following regular service.
MTP Including Medical abortion.
Tubectomy (Conventional including Puerperal / Laparoscopy)
Counseling & provision of condom Oral pills, Mini pills, Centchroman, IUCD etc. (PPIUCD, Interval IUCD)
4. Gynecological Care :
Treatment of all types of Gynae problem in women including
-Pelvic inflammation
-Prolapse Uterus
-Fibroid uterus
-Adenomyosis, endometriosis
-Ovarian Tumors
-Colposcopy pap smear & other screening method for gynecological cancer
5. Procedures
All type of major, minor Obstetrics and Gynecological surgeries are performed including
Gynecological Procedures
1. Total abdominal hysterectomy
2. Conservative sling surgeries, vaginal hysterectomy for prolapsed uterus.
3. Non decent vaginal hysterectomy (scar less) surgery
4. Radical hysterectomy
5. Debulking surgery for ovarian cancer
6. Polypectomy/ Myomectomy
7. Diagnostic laparoscopy & hysteroscopy
8. IUI
9. D&C, MTP, Sterilization, Copper T insertion,Biopsy.
10. Tuboplasty or tubal ligation reversal
11. Surgeries for Inversion uterus
12. CPT repair
13. Vaginoplasty
14. Electrocautry,Cryocautry
Obstetrics Procedures :
1. Facility of Caesarian section / Emergency Obstetric hysterectomy
2. Forceps delivery
3. Vacuum delivery
4. Normal Delivery
5. Cervical encirclage
6. Surgery for ectopic pregnancy
7. Obstetrics analgesia
PPTCT Centre to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child
1. Free counseling
2. Free testing
3. Anti retroviral treatment
4. Comprehensive ante partum & intra partum care of HIV positive (Delivery /LSCS)
Faculties of the department are regularly participating in international, national, state
conferences as guest faculty ,Chairperson and delegates.
Ongoing research are :
1. Fetomaternal outcome of referral cases coming to CIMS OBG Department.
2. 5 year study of Fetomaternal outcome in HIV positive women
3. Yearly study of near miss cases
4. 5 years study on PPIUCD
5. Maternal mortality review
Available Equipment :
1. Colposcope
2. Diagnostic laparoscope & operative laparoscope
3. Ultrasonography Doppler,
4. Cauterization cryo & thermal,
5. Cardio tocography,
6. Multipara monitors
CME & Workshop :
Department Activities CME & Workshop Programme : Click Here to View
C. Other Facilities :
Training Centre for PPIUCD, C-Section, SBA, Dakshata training etc.
D. Symposium/Seminars :
Department is regularly conducting monthly seminar, case presentation, journal club, maternal mortality meet, Guest lectures by senior faculties from different medical Colleges and awareness programs related with women health & hygiene like maternal nutrition, Family planning, STD and HIV prevention.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact No | Email Id |
Dr. Sangeeta Raman Jogi | Professor and Head | MBBS, MS (Obst. & Gyne), F.C.G.P., FICMCH |
9826506467 | |
S. No | Particular | Link |
1 | List of Teaching Staff | Download PDF File |
2 | List Non Teaching Staff | Download PDF File |