Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), Bilaspur, CG
CIMS has an Anatomy Department museum which is made as per the norms of the Medical Council of India (MCI). The whole of it is divided into various subsections namely Gross specimens which is made regionwise for the study of the gross parts , Neuroanatomy, Radiology section (CT, MRI and the X-rays for the study of the radiology), Histology, Embryology models, charts and specimens for the study of embryology, and Anthropology.There is an adjacent room for the modeler for the preparation of specimens and their catalogues.
Research Lab
At CIMS, we have a Research Lab, aimed mainly for the histological study, is well equipped with all the modern amenities and a set of good equipments for the teaching and training purpose.We definitely understand the need for an ongoing research for the upgradation of the staff and the student and therefore an ongoing research is definitely on. In the Lab we process the sections of the tissues and make the slides for the purpose for teaching, training and research purposes, which is according to the norms Medical Council of India (MCI), New Delhi.
Histology Lab
The histology laboratory is just adjacent to the museum and is provided as per the norms of the Medical council.It is equipped with separate teaching and practical facility for the students to see and learn. Each student is provided with a student microscope, and with proper guidance from the teachers the student can learn the subject better.
Medical Ward
A new ward consisting of 20 bedded has been established to take care of all patients and special attention for Cerebral Malaria, Hepatic Encephalopathy, Encephalitis and Multi Organ Dysfunction etc. orphan and Immuno-compromised patients are being given special attention round the clock. Once the patients get settled, they are being transferred to various male and female ward for the further management.Examination Hall
No of 03 Examination Hall- Available, Capacity 150.